F101: In a Nutshell

  • Currently, as of 2024, there are ten teams in Formula One. Each team has two cars and two drivers. Teams are allowed to use up to four drivers in a season, but generally stick with their top two drivers. That means that there are twenty drivers and twenty cars starting each race.
  • Qualifying happens the day before the race. Basically, drivers are timed over one lap. The fastest starts on the front row, the second fastest will start slightly further back and so on, with the slowest at the back.
  • The race starts from a standstill with the cars lined up in two rows of ten. Each driver is required to use two different sets of tire compounds during the race.
  • There are currently four engine manufacturers. Honda, Ferrari, Mercedes, and Renault. Each team manufactures their own car, but they are allowed to purchase an engine from one of the four suppliers. Obviously Ferrari uses its own engine, but they also provide an engine to the Alfa Romeo team and the Haas team. Mercedes uses it’s own engine, but also supplies McLaren, Aston Martin and Williams. Red Bull uses a Honda engine as does its sister team, RB. Alpine uses Renault engines.
  • The engines are all V6 Hybrid Turbos that generate close to 1000hp.
  • At the end of each race points are awarded to the top ten finishers.
  • Points are awarded as follows: 1st-25, 2nd-18, 3rd-15, 4th-12, 5th-10, 6th-8, 7th-6, 8th-4, 9th-2, 10th-1. In addition, the driver with the fastest lap during the race, as long as he finishes in the top ten, is given an extra point.
  • At the end of the season the points are added up and the driver with the most points is crowned the champion.
  • Teams add up the points from both of their drivers and the team with the most points at the end of the season wins the Constructors Championship and gets the majority of the prize money.